“You swing your best when you have the fewest things to think about." Bobby Jones

Our Story

Fellow golfers,

Stephen Lewis ShoeTips Founder

We’re pleased to present ShoeTips, an exciting new product to help lower your score and increase your enjoyment of the game. 

As a life-long, hopelessly addicted golfer, I often find myself standing over the ball, ready to swing, summoning all of my powers of concentration to quiet negative thoughts and decide which positive swing thoughts to focus on. I’ll bet you do, too. Sometimes I simply forget what I had planned to do. Other times the voices in my head offer ideas of their own.

The idea for ShoeTips is pretty simple. If you want to remember something, why not put a reminder where you can see it? How about on your shoe? …A shoe tip?

After receiving positive feedback from my golfing buddies, and assembling a small team to explore the idea,

we unearthed a trove of scientific research about mental focus strategies that enhance performance and get golfers “in the zone.”

It turns out that golf’s legendary players, instructors, sports psychologists, and writers all agree — you perform at your best when you have the fewest things to think about and you allow your intuitive mind to direct your body.

Studies show that regardless of a person’s skill level, if you can focus completely on, and become fully absorbed in the task at hand, with nothing left over for worry or doubt, you’ll achieve a state of peak performance.

ShoeTips is the solution:
“The last thought before your shot!”

Before you play, select the two thoughts you want to remember as you begin your swing routine. Insert them into the two base clips that fit snugly over your shoelaces — in full view as you address the ball. Now you're ready to play a more confident and satisfying round of golf!

ShoeTips’ 18 swing keys are interchangeable; you can write your own custom tips on the reverse side using an indelible marker. We define our pre-printed tips in the booklet that comes in each package or view them on Our Tips page.

ShoeTips helps me calm my mind and gives me a greater sense of possibility, focus, and commitment. No other product helps you channel your mental game while you play. I hope ShoeTips will prove to be a valuable asset to your game, too.

To better golf,

Steve Lewis

Our Team

Steve Lewis ShoeTips - Play Better Golf

Steve Lewis – Affectionately known to his golfing buddies as “Luigi”, Steve’s an entrepreneur, real estate professional and financial advisor, but mainly, he’s a hopelessly addicted golfer.

He began playing the game at the age of 13 at Rancho Park in West Los Angeles. Sixty years later, after having been a member of Riviera Country Club for 24 years, Rancho is once again his home course. He currently serves as Chair of the Grievance Committee for the Rancho Men’s Club and plays regularly all over Southern California, including on the Golf Channel Amateur Tour. He’s also had the pleasure of playing in Scotland, Ireland, and China and has 6 aces to his credit, 4 at Riviera! ShoeTips combines his passion for entrepreneurship with his love of golf.


Art Snyder ShoeTips - Play Better Golf

Art Snyder – Art has built a distinguished design career — creating products, interiors, print and television advertising, branding and marketing campaigns for over 40 years. His impressive client roster includes L′Ermitage Hotels, The Beverly Center, Patron Spirits, Walt Disney, Nancy Heller, ABS, Saks Fifth Ave., Macy′s, Bloomingdales, Fashion Island and The Culver Studios.

Tennis is Art’s game. He recalls reading Timothy Gallwey’s The Inner Game of Tennis when he was first learning to play; he understands the mental battle.


Ellen Rudolph ShoeTips - Play Better Golf

Ellen Rudolph – Call it fate: Ellen grew up in a golf household, was introduced to the game as a kid, and remembers watching Arnie, Jack, and Gary compete in the big tournaments on TV. Her 92-year-old mom still plays golf once or twice a week.

Her eclectic career in photography,  journalism,  film and video production, marketing, management, PR and Chinese medicine took her to New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo and finally to LA, where she married Steve. She now finds herself developing and promoting a new mindfulness golf product that brings together her diverse interests and taps into Eastern philosophy. Perfect!