Whatever your skill level, with ShoeTips you’ll play golf more confidently and enjoy the game more.
Have your own special tip? Just turn over one of our pre-printed tips and write your own on the back with an indelible marker. The simple act of writing boosts your intention.
We organized ShoeTips into three categories: focus, feel, and technique.
FOCUS - relates to the mind
Focus on letting the club do the work of lifting the ball, as it is meant to do.
Remember to take a deep breath or two before you start your swing routine. Bring an attitude of relaxed concentration and awareness to your process.
Select your precise target and the appropriate club/swing. If you have doubts, change your plan and fully commit to it.
Decide exactly where you want the ball to go, let the image of the ball’s full trajectory fill your mind, and imagine the feel of your swing.
Focus your attention on making clean and crisp contact, striking the ball first, then the ground.
Create a good rhythm as you take the club back and follow through, completing your swing with confidence.
FEEL - relates to the body
Visualize a controlled swing, free of excessive tension and abrupt movements.
Notice the tension in your hands, forearms, and shoulders as you begin your swing routine. Learn to sense when you tense up and dial it down.
This is the natural pace or rhythm of your golf routine. Focus on maintaining a uniform pace throughout.
Stand over the ball and feel a low center of gravity, with all of your weight resting evenly on the soles of your feet, until you feel grounded and centered in your stance.
Remember to begin your swing from a relaxed, comfortable, well-balanced and athletic stance.
Take a comfortable practice swing, giving no thought to mechanics. This is the swing that will produce the shot you imagine.
TECHNIQUE - relates to swing mechanics
Complete your follow through while maintaining balance until the ball has landed.
Feel your upper body and hips rotate freely on your backswing, then rotate through the downswing until you face your target.
Hitting down makes the ball rise with a penetrating flight.
Be aware of your feet, hip, and shoulder alignment. Make sure they are set up properly in relation to the target to accommodate your particular shot shape.
As you take your club back and through, maintain your posture and swing down your target line.
Place the ball in the optimal position between your feet to best suit your selected club and type of shot.