Tee it up with Mr. Tips.png

Focus on letting the club do the work of lifting the ball, as it is meant to do.

Hey, I’m a golf ball, not an instructor or coach.

I’ve been around and seen places none of you even want to know about. Plenty of my brothers and sisters never make it back to civilization or experience the pleasure of going “kerplunk” into the cup. I’m an authority and my mission is to go the distance, stay in play, clear hazards, and be by your side for the entire round.

I’ve got 18 tips to share and will explain why each one has value and what each will do to enhance your game. 

First is “Stay Down”

This often is literally the very first swing key new golfers learn, and one that most beginners struggle with. I mean it’s only natural to want to see my beautiful flight as soon as you've hit me. I’m a pretty handsome guy after all! But trust me, lifting your head just before impact, and attempting to follow my flight, is a recipe for disaster.

As you let the club do the work, keep looking down at the spot where you made contact, for as long as possible during the follow through. Only then is it safe to see where I’ve gone.


Why does this matter? 

“Stay Down” not only promotes deep focus on me, the ball, enhancing your awareness of precisely where I’m positioned, it also increases the likelihood that you’ll hit me on the sweet spot of your club face. And that leads to greater consistency. Need I say more? 

STAY DOWN tag.gif

Focus on letting the club do the work of lifting the ball, as it is meant to do.

Improve your Golf Game.

Get the Golf Tips you put on your shoes today!

Ellen Rudolph