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Create a good rhythm as you take the club back and follow through, completing your swing with confidence.

The overall motion of a good swing is pretty simple.

If you think about it, “Back and Thru” is kinda the whole enchilada. Apart from having a consistent pre-shot routine and addressing me, the ball—“how do you do?”—what else is there? As a humble little golf ball, even one who’s been around as much as I have, I never tell anyone how to swing. But I’m happy to share my observation that everybody’s got their own swing and there’s absolutely no one-size-fits-all method that works for everyone. Consult with your instructor, your coach, or whomever, read books, watch videos and practice, practice, practice. 

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The club swings in a rotational arc or semi-circle around the body. Ideally the club should swing back on a plane or direction that ends up behind your head, around shoulder height. It’s called a backswing, not an upswing, which suggests that the club should end up behind you – not above you. 

The overall motion of good swing is pretty simple—you push the club back, then pull it through. Your best swing happens when you’re relaxed and your head is clear. You never want to force the club to do anything.

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One thing I’ve noticed about all great ball-strikers is their powerful, balanced, poised follow-through. Envision a picturesque follow-through pose, swing back down and through, and strive to return to that position every time. Even if you add speed to your swing, be sure never to sacrifice your follow-though form. 

Remember that the swing must be continuous, even if you pause for a beat at the transition. Your body should remain relaxed all the way through, and your complete motion should be unbroken—from the takeaway all the way through to the follow through.

Now hit me! 


Create a good rhythm as you take the club back and follow through, completing your swing with confidence.

Improve your Golf Game.

Get the Golf Tips you put on your shoes today!

Ellen Rudolph