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Focus your attention on making clean and crisp contact, striking the ball first, then the ground. 

Golf's a deceptively difficult game, right? I mean, how hard can it be to hit me, your ball, as I’m just sitting there, not moving a muscle, compared to hitting a tennis ball or baseball that’s whizzing towards you and moving all over the place? (Harder than you think!) 

Here’s another head scratcher: to make a golf ball like me soar, you need to hit down on me. You’d never hit down on a tennis ball or baseball to make it fly, so why on a dimpled little golf ball? It goes against all your natural inclinations, right? It simply defies logic. Hitting down on something to make it go up is just crazy! But in golf, you want the face of your iron, which is angled backwards, to hit my round surface just before reaching the bottom of your downswing. This compresses me so I spin backwards, up the face of your club, and take flight. 

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Until this really makes sense to you, your muscles will resist this programming to hit a consistent golf swing. And everyone knows that in golf, good muscle memory is key for grooving your swing, which allows you to forget about mechanics and focus on the game. —Ask your coach or instructor; they’ll tell you.—

Plenty of golf’s greats have had unorthodox swings—Lee Trevino, Nancy Lopez, Bubba Watson, and Jim Furyk come to mind. What they’ve all shared is a consistent, repeatable impact position. 

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Impact is that magical moment golfers live for, when your club face makes contact with me. It represents the only chance you have to tell me where you want me to go and happens between your downswing and follow through. It doesn’t really matter what your swing looks like, so long as you establish a good set-up, address, and take away that consistently makes solid contact and determines both distance and loft. It’s absolutely not about swinging harder. 

Swinging with a consistent impact position does much more than create solid contact. If you like hitting straighter shots, with longer distance, more spin, better trajectory and ball flight, with greater control, focus on impact and reap the rewards! 

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Focus your attention on making clean and crisp contact, striking the ball first, then the ground. 

Improve your Golf Game.

Get the Golf Tips you put on your shoes today!

Ellen Rudolph